Good Day To You Everyone,
It’s another RWA Weekly Roundup. The 15th edition. If you spotted the subtitle “Drid Mango Nothing Added” you may be wondering what that’s about (or not) it’s not deep, I’m just having some right now.
How are ya’ll liking these roundups? If you find them useful feel free to comment and let me know.
There was another shooting this week. This time in Tulsa OK. I don’t know what’s the matter with these Americans who are shooting up places where we usually feel safe but it’s got to stop. I don’t like that anyone with a terror agenda can just purchase a gun but America is a place where even murderers get to live out their sick fantasies. It’s high time that we do something about these gunmen, I mean America has never felt safe to me but it’s clear that these killing sprees are getting out of hand.
Yet again, sending my love to the families of those lost this week.
Let’s switch up the vibe and get into the better parts of this week’s roundup.
One of my favorite people to follow is @Damfunk he is such a positive person, or at least posts mostly positive tweets.
I love when people commit to a positive story line if I want mood swings I’ll get them from me myself.
I just released a new song on Wednesday it’s called “Take Ur Time” its a song that I wrote, produced and recorded last year. I was going through my old songs and am glad I found this one. The vocals, instruments, and lyrics we all complete–– a state most of my productions aren’t in. So I released in on SoundCloud and Bandcamp.
Did you know that I have a catalog that I run on IG? I post pretty irregularly but I saw this picture(below) that made me want to start adding new pages to the catalog. Here’s the link to the pages if you’d like to check them out.
Here are some more tweets from my orbit
This story about the nuns collaborating to ‘get they money’ is one of the best I’ve read.

No for real, I literally have a $45 lighter sitting in a box in the basement because I can never get it to light. Expensive lighters are hard to work
About this week’s podcast
On this week’s show, I have Kimberly Waldropt the entrepreneur, artisan, and soapmaker behind the brand Terra-Tory. I invited Kim on the show not because I’ve tried her soaps… I haven’t yet… but because I recognized really honest and cool branding on her Instagram page. I had written a list of people I wanted to interview and Kimberly Waldropt was on that list. We sat down to have a casual conversation to get to know Kimberly.
I think those artists who are also a business will really like this episode. It took a while to get Kimberly on the line but I was so glad we got a chance to chat!
That wraps up this week’s Weekly Roundup.
Find me on IG @therealandralee & @raworldaddress
A new episode goes up Every Wednesday Of Every Week
Big Love,
love Take Ur Time, Ra. you're limitless with the talent and heart.