RWA Weekly Roundup #0016
Good Day To You Everyone,
Coming atcha with another weekly roundup!
This week I felt really calm and relaxed and I think I owe some credit to this week’s sponsors, Vance Global. Their CBD Cigarettes and Gummies brought me a centered feeling, calm & focus too. In other news, I landed a job, it’s not serious at all and pays minimum wage. I just needed something to bring in a little cash while I continue to develop Ra World Address. In the time between hiring and starting, I’ve taken to watching some Netflix shows. Russian Doll (Season 2) and Bridgerton (Season 2) I also saw the A24 movie Everything Everywhere All At Once. Out of these three, I found myself falling in love right along with the characters in Bridgerton. It’s really a perfect romance drama, with steamy tension and old-world aesthetics.
Russian Doll season two was a bit disjointed but held together enough for me to say I liked it. Everything Everywhere All At Once was great but I had to agree with my friend Peachcurls who thought the story could have been told better. There was certainly an emphasis on visual effects and really good editing but the storytelling itself was lacking. Not to say it’s bad by any definition of the word, because bad it was not.
In My Orbit This Week.

A group of 5 people cast their votes via twitter or Instagram on a poll that asked Is Life Short. Everyone who voted said “YES”. I think that thinking Life is Short is a great mentality to motivate or even mobilize someone to reach the potential of their days.
I try to get through my days as if life were long and I have all the time in the world. Because somehow that makes me feel more free and under less pressure. Whatever mentality you decide it just has to work for you in any given moment.Choose whichever energy you need.

Images collected this week
That’s all I rounded up for ya’ll this week!
See you next week!
Big Love,