Good Day To You Everyone,
It’s another RWA Weekly Roundup for yah.
The world seems to be getting more crazy, despite people’s efforts to turn back to a simpler time. Like, for example, the Supreme Court overturning Roe vs. Wade or Gun Law Reforms getting shot down, making it easier to carry a concealed weapon. These governmental changes are only going to make things more cray. Women will still get their abortions but it will be less safe and less legal. People will carry and conceal their weapons in public places like the supermarket just in case they feel the need to whip it out and protect themselves.
Weirder though is my lack of care about it all. Lately I’ve been feeling more lackadaisical than ever. I just don’t care, and it’s not that I don’t recognize injustice –– I have just accepted that the world is set up a certain way and it’s a wild and wacky time, to say the least.
My job in all this is to remain as cool, calm, and collected as possible. It’s this that is my rebellion, I refuse to be removed from my own sense of peace just because the world around me looks ugly. It’s delusional maybe but again, I just don’t care. I’m here to live life until it’s over and I will have my life looking as close to a constant vacation as possible.
This means, getting my exercise daily, drinking two coffees a day, smoking weed when I can afford it, and relaxing as much as possible. Peace be with you everyone.
In My Orbit

That’s all I’ve got for you this week. I’ll be back next week with more of whats on my mind and in my orbit.
Big Love,